Hening Trading Sdn Bhd
No. 20, Jalan 6/91, Taman Shamelin Perkasa, Bt 3 1/2, Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur Wilayah Perseketuan Malaysia.
Hening Trading Sdn Bhd is a wholesale company that sells imported light agricultural machinery in Malaysia. As one of the largest wholesalers in the region, the company is attractive to international manufacturers seeking a high volume South East Asian distribution partner. The company offers a range of products including brush cutters, chainsaws, trimmer lines, water pumps, fogging machines, lawn mowers, generators, mist blowers, gasoline engines, wood chipspers, and power sprayers. They also stock replacement and spare parts and complimentary products like blades and ropes. Hening Trading is the sole agent for brands such as Sufix, Steelfort, Meteor Pistons, YongJia, Briggs & Stratton, Kinkiji Blade, Rover, and AS Motor.
Company Details
Company Name
Hening Trading Sdn Bhd
Registration Number
Kuala Lumpur
OBM / OEM / ODM Products
Auger Machine, Brush Cutter, Chain Saw, Concrete Cutter, Concrete Vibrator, Engine, Engine Blower, Engine Plate Compactor, Fogging Machine, Food Machinery, Generator, Harvester Machine, Hedge Trimmer, High Pressure Cleaner, Hose, Hose Winch, Humidifier, Lawn Mower, Lubricant, Mini Hoist, Mini Mixer, Mist Blower, Mist System, Motor, Nylon Ropes, Oil Palm Chopper, Outboard Engine, Paddle Wheel, Pole Saw, Power Sprayer, Power Tiller, Power Tools, Rammer, Ride-On Mowers, Sugar Cane Machinery, Sweeper, Turf Cutter, Vacuum, Water Pump, Weed Removers, Welding Machine, Wood Chipper, Spare Parts, AET, Alfaerre, AS Motor, Bestlube, BOSCH, Briggs & Stratton, Daishin, Feilo, Fujimoto, Fukuta, Happy, HITACHI, Honda, ISIS, Kawasaki, Lawn Master, MAKTEC, Marukawa, MP METEOR PISTON, NSM, Rover, Sufix, Tigmax, YongJia
No Information
Minimum Order Quantity
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Minimum Project Fee
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Office Number
+603 9282 6868
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